Restoring the Energy of Youth

By Arthur Williamson

"The sea changes color, but the sea does not change." - Stevie Nicks. Spring is here. A time for youthful outdoor activities. And you say, you feel hampered by an aging body? You want to run, walk, ride bycicles and continue the things you did when you were young? But as far as your energy goes it might just as well still be winter? Well, there might just be some youth left for you.

One patient wrote about her experiences with Dr. Anju Mathur, an alternative medicine physician.

"My treatment from Dr. Anju Mathur has been the most incredible medical assistance I have ever had. I have experienced physical and mental rejuvenation of a quality that made me feel 13 years old again.

'The clarity of my thinking improved as well as my sense of well-being.

'I recommend this program to anyone who wants to have renewed energy and wants to feel young again. Thank you Anju! I am very happy that you are here." M.L.

Bio is Defined as Life; Living Organism

This prefix, bio, is defined as life; living organism. Identical means being exactly the same. So the word bioidentical means something that is made up and is the same as something in a living organism. Natural hormones that are used for replacement hormones are described as bioidentical, because they are the same as the hormones the body produces.

Synthetic hormones have been created and are used in this modern day. It is the popular thinking of this day and age that synthetics are used because a human body is incapable of using natural substances to create the hormones it needs - but look at how long mankind has survived with natural substances from mother earth compared to the problems that synthetics cause.

Reasons for Hormone Replacement

The human body creates hormones from the food you eat. Hormones are basically a chemical substance, but they are created from organic material - the food you eat. So perhaps that old saying, you are what you eat, isn't so far off. When hormones enter the bloodstream they are distributed to various organs and parts of the body and they then make those organs do specific functions.

Hormones have various names such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormone, human growth hormone, etc. There are a lot of hormones besides the sex hormones. Hormones are needed to keep a body healthy, but production dwindles off after about age 35.

You can regain youthful energy and lead a happier, more productive life by restoring hormones to a youthful level. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy brings the hormones in the body back in balance.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help You With:

* Slows or halts symptoms of aging

* Improves libido

* Restores memory

* Restores elasticity to skin

* It helps to decrease weight gain

* Restores energy and vitality.

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