High Hairlines in Women - Known Causes of Hair Loss in Women

By Daryl Chapman

Hair loss can be a very displeasing incident. What is more discomforting is when you stare yourself in a mirror and figure that you will ultimately go bald in just a few more years. More often than not, people assume that only men can experience thinning hairlines. In reality, a large proportion of women are also losing their hair. But there is a little divergence between the receding hairline of women and that of men. Hair loss in men frequently start on the crown of the head, while women begin to lose hair all over the scalp .

Normally, women begin to lose hair by the age of 30 and it becomes more observable as the age advances. Some of the fundamental causes of a thinning hairline for women include the following:

Telogen Effluvium

It is considered as one of the most familiar types of baldness in women. It is an acute form of alopecia. When a woman experiences a widely spread out hair loss, it is classified with this type of hair loss. Stress and certain medications are believe to contribute to the development of this type of hair loss. This condition can happen to people at any age group, and often occurs without you noticing it. It usually gets better on its own after approximately six months. On the other hand, for some people, the hair loss can be a chronic problem.

Androgenic Alopecia

It is acknowledged as another common cause for hair loss in women. It is associated with the hormone levels in the woman's body and can be inherited from her father or mother. Many women are affected by this kind of condition after menopause.

Alopecia Areata

Based on data, about one percent of the total population has this type of problem. This is often seen in teenager or young adults. Symptoms of this form of hair loss may include patchy hair loss. The condition is associated with the woman's immune system. After a short time the hair usually starts to grow again, but might come back in those patchy areas.

Further Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Other causes may include chemotherapy which is a known cause of female baldness, as well as frontal fribosing. Another possible evidence of hair loss in women is after she gave birth. A few other illnesses, such as anorexia, anemia and bulimia, can also cause this condition. There are also a few less well-known forms where this type of condition could be permanent.

Correct Diagnosis

Women experiencing this condition should consult their doctor to acquire an accurate prognosis of what is causing them to lose their hair. In cases of an undiagnosed medical condition like Diabetes Mellitus or thyroid problems, treating the condition can also avoid the symptoms and even reverse the problem. If the doctor found that the cause of hair loss is related to certain conditions like menopause or aging, the medical practitioner can then advice an effective female hair loss treatment.

Topical Hair Loss Treatment

There are many important female hair loss treatment which is approved by the FDA, one of these is identified as minoxidil. This medication is marketed under the name Rogaine and is promptly available over the counter in numerous drug stores and online.

It is efficient at restoring hair growth and dropping the appearance of thinning hair in women. Nevertheless, it often takes several months to see the results in most females. It is quite easy and convenient to use in the privacy of home, but must be continuous until further notice in order to maintain hair regrowth. If this medication use is discontinued, any hair that has regrown will be gone once again.

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