Find Out Is Hair Loss Linked To Allergy Problems

By Eugene Yeng

Studies have shown that allergies may lead to hair loss. The question is not whether there is a link but rather why is hair loss linked to allergy problems. If you are an allergy sufferer and you experience hair loss along with other common symptoms, the allergies may be responsible.

When we experience allergies our immune systems will begin treating the proteins in out bodies as if they were foreign invaders. This reaction causes sneezing, watery and itchy eyes, trouble with breathing, and now a possible balding scalp. Our bodies begin to release natural chemicals called histamines to help fight off these foreign intruders causing the symptoms that are associated with allergies.

Since hair is comprised of protein, the histamines that are fighting against the proteins that the body is recognizing as intruders is working against its healthy growth. Common among individuals with food allergies, this phenomenon is reported to be relieved when the allergies come under control. Many individuals have given testimony to this condition.

The link may not necessarily be to the specific allergy itself, but may be to the allergy medication used to remedy the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Many individuals have reported that balding began when they started taking certain antihistamine medications that their doctor prescribed.

This connection that is being made between the antihistamine to treat allergies and the onset of balding tends to contradict the theory that the histamines produced naturally by the body to attack proteins as the cause for the problem. People who have taken the specific antihistamines and experienced balding after beginning the medication, have reported that the problem stops when they discontinue the medication.

We need to consider whether hypersensitivity to foods and medications that treat seasonal allergies, are somehow linked specifically to a balding scalp. When looking at how our body can react to the imbalance that is created by food and other types of allergies, we are able to see that a link between a lowered immune system caused by the allergies and balding is feasible.

In addition to considering how a hypersensitivity reaction can affect the body, taking the different medications available to help decrease or eliminate the symptoms of allergies also have side effects that may be causing the problem. This has actually been shown to have some merit when the individual stops a medication and their hair begins to grow again. In this situation we can also see a relationship between balding and allergies.

We will also want to take into consideration the studies that have shown that individuals with allergies have other health problems like conditions of the thyroid that can result in balding. In cases of other health issues there very well may be an indirect connection also. So when asked is hair loss linked to allergy, the answer is most likely, yes. Anyone who suffers with allergies and experiences balding will want to be sure to see their doctor who will be able to determine how to treat both.

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