Moisturizing Black Hair 101

Natural hair products and oils are by far the best products when it comes to moisturizing black hair. Petroleum based products choke up the scalp so please avoid them as much as possible. Though they have been used by our ancestors for generations, they do contain mineral oil or petroleum and what they do to our scalp is that they clog the pores of the scalp and dry the scalp by not allowing any moisture to be absorbed into the pores.
Using Shea butter and other ayurevidic oils can be very helpful because they are absorbed very easily into the pores of the scalp therefore do not cause any dryness. I have used Shea butter and other carrier oils and I wouldn�t go for anything else. By carrier oils; Olive Oils and Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil etc I mean oils that help carry other oils like essential oils (Rosemary Oil, Tea Tree Oil, and Lavender Oil) into the pores of our scalp and skin. Ayurevidic oils like Amla Oil and Brahmi Oils are also very good oils but some may contain mineral oil (liquid petroleum). You just have to read the
The structure of black hair is such that it dries easily and so should be moisturized on a daily basis with water and oil. Washing the hair regularly with shampoo also causes dryness because shampoos are made to strip the hair of whatever is in the hair. Conditioners are best for natural hair as they add to the hair. The ideal way in which oils and hair products can penetrate into the hair is by massaging the scalp after the product is applied. The ends of natural hair also dry quickly so it�s important to put more oil on the ends to avoid split ends.
The final thing I would like to add is that drinking plenty water does all the magic. When the body is moisturized from within, the end results will be a healthy skin and hair. Taking vitamins and exercising has helped me a great deal also.
Try different products to know the right ones for you.


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