Hair Loss in Men

By Penny Logan

So why do some men lose the hair on their heads as they get older? Is it because they get older? Is it in their genes? Is it because their fathers lost their hair? Is it because of a bad diet? Is it because they think bad thoughts?

All those reasons may be valid (except that last one). But what is the process - why do some men lose their hair when they get older? We know it happens, but why? The answer is changes in hormones.

When a body ages (male or female) the glands gradually produce fewer and fewer hormones. But they don't all decrease at the same rate, and each body is different. So what actually affects the body most is the imbalance of hormones in the system - too much of one and not enough of another. And this is not just from a lack of the hormones - testosterone, estrogen and progesterone - it includes other hormones produced by the body, of which there are many. Thyroid hormone and human growth hormone are just a couple of them.

Hair loss is only one symptom of unbalanced hormones. Men may experience muscle loss and loss of strength, lack of energy, lack of sleep and weight gain. Female symptoms of menopause are much more broadly documented. Not everyone has the same symptoms because different bodies have different rates of aging and the hormones in one body will not match those in another.

Surprising as it may seem, the gradual loss of hormones in men starts at a relatively young age - 30 or 35. Symptoms may not show up right away, but within the body, changes have started. Treatment can bring good results no matter how old one is, but if started early, symptoms of aging may be able to be prevented or even reversed.

The treatment is hormone replacement using hormones that exactly match those produced by the body. They are called bio-identical hormones. Women have been using these for many years, but men are often neglected, because their symptoms are not so drastic as those of menopause. But men, too, would like to stave off the effects of aging.

You can restart your life - and instead of aging gracefully, you can remain more energetic and youthful and productive no matter what your age. Alternative medicine doctors apply this technology to great results for both men and women. Blood tests would be done first, to find out which hormones need help. An individual prescription would be done for each person to replace only those hormones that need replacement. Periodic tests would be done to ensure the hormones remain at the proper level.

It's not the fountain of youth, but it certainly makes getting older easier and more productive. There is something that can be done about your hair loss or lack of energy or loss of strength - bioidentical hormone replacement. Age youthfully.

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