All About Hair Loss In Women Saint Louis

By Cecelia Tanner

Hair loss in women Saint Louis is something that is quite common these days and due to a variety of different reasons. In truth, statistics show that over 30 million women alone suffer from this condition, simply based off genetics alone. Although there can be several reasons that contribute to losing strands in general, sometimes it can be helpful to understand what those reasons might be and how to prevent further damage, if possible.

There can often be numerous causes for this condition, just as some conditions may be temporary, while others may be more permanent. Such causes can be anything from genetics, which is fairly common, to more medical-prone reasons, like that of psoriasis, dermatitis, thyroid disorders and autoimmune diseases.

Even aside from medical conditions or genetics, there are more causes that may contribute to the problem, often resulting in more temporary issues in most cases. For example, the way an individual styles their hair may be part of the problem, as well as stress, rapid or a significant amount of weight loss, hormonal changes, among other reasons as well.

Naturally, losing a bit of hair can sometimes be normal. In reality, strands grow in three different cycles, which are known as anagen, which is the growth phase, as well catagen and telogen, which is when the hair shrinks. During the telogen phase, the follicles are dormant, or at rest, for several months at a time. Often enough, people are expected to lose anywhere from 50 to 100 strands daily, and even up to 250 during the times that they wash it.

Overall, it's often key to really find out what the problem may be that is causing the problem. This may entail needing to check with a doctor or even a dermatologist to rule out any potential health conditions, particularly if loss is seen frequently or is growing worse. It may also be good to rule out any other causes, like that of stress.

Taking care of your mane is also key, which means making sure that it's seeing as little abuse as possible. If you have a habit of overheating or styling it, then this may be contributing to things. For instance, many people may lose some strands or may have scarring from over-abusing the follicles due to wearing hats often, or even keeping the hair up in a bun or ponytail, or even wearing it in the same part, since this can stress the strands and the scalp.

If you would like to find out more about your options for treating hair loss in women Saint Louis, it's good to rule out the root causes. However, there are many different treatments out there, whether if it's regarding topical or oral treatments, home remedies, implants, or other methods. In the end, most treatments used and their success can be depend on what may be causing the situation to begin with.

Hair loss in women Saint Louis

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