An Answer to Lack of Results from Conventional Medicine

By Arthur Williamson

These days it seems more and more patients are turning to alternative medicine to find relief from their afflictions, mainly because conventional medicine has failed to provide any relief or because the side effects of the cure are worse than the disease.

In western culture, alternative medicine is any healing practice that is not embraced by conventional medicine. Even many physicians, at least those not in the pay of big pharmaceutical companies, have turned to alternative medicine, due to lack of results with conventional remedies.

A popular quote about medicine is fromRichard Dawkins, is known for his research in biology and his gene-centered view of evolution plus more. He wrote "There is no alternative medicine. There is only medicine that works and medicine that doesn't work."

In recent years the public has made best sellers out of books that tell about healing even by shamans and medicine men. Eat Pray Love, a best selling book and also a movie, deals with a native healer and a medicine man in Bali. Even further afield is Horse Boy, a story of a father who takes his autistic son to shamans in Mongolia, with excellent results.

These are probably on the fringe of alternative medicine, however, and not scientifically researched, yet people seek these solutions, because they have been failed by conventional medicine.

There are physicians who administer remedies considered alternative medicine (they aren't pushing drugs) even though the therapies they practice are based on scientific facts and much investigation. The remedies are natural remedies, without side effects that harm the body.

One such practitioner is Dr. Anju Mather, who has done a lot of research into alternative medicine and keeps herself current in the field attending conferences. She know what works and what doesn't. She founded Angel Longevity Medical Center in Los Angeles.

She does a thorough examination and detailed health history for each patient, as well as lab tests. She seeks the source of their physical problems so that a treatment can be devised for individual patients to target the cause of the health issue. Side effects are nearly non-existent because she uses natural remedies. And her results are truly phenomenal.

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