Little Girl's Hairstyles: How to do a French Rope Braid Video Tutorial

Well, I'm sure some of you have just given up hope that I would EVER return to the world of hairdo-blogging. I wondered at times as well! BUT, I am here, and on the road to normal life! My baby is sleeping through the night, and the fog has lifted, and I even am exercising (okay, only 3 times so far in two months), and life is GOOD!

This video was done actually before I had my little one, but the editing and getting it off my camera business seems to take more time than the actual hairdo. I found this hairstyle in a book one day, and it looked intriguing, so here we go. It's the getting the hands in the right places on this one that's the challenge, but it really is pretty and different! I'd love to hear what you think when you try it!

French Rope Braid


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