Women's Hair Loss - How to Treat it And Deal With it

By Eric Huff

Hair loss is equally traumatic for men and women alike. If your are a man you have many more options available to you because people have been working for years to find solutions for your issue. The options for women however are more difficult to come by. Women are not supposed to talk about things like losing their hair-or at least it has been frowned upon right up until a few years ago. Now that it's out that women have this issue too more and more coping methods have evolved. Whether or not you believe it the fact remains that we are now seeing many more options for women than for men. Keep reading to find out some of the ways other women have been coping with losing their hair.

You might not even realize it, but there are some situations in which birth control pills can actually be used to treat hair loss for women. They can be really useful for taking care of female pattern baldness. This is because these pills prevent the production of ovarian androgens. These are enzymes that instruct your hair follicles not to generate hair. Still, it is crucial that you only use low androgen indexed contraceptive pills. If you obtain pills that are too powerful you could wreck your overall health. Also, it is essential you take into consideration the same rules apply, whether you're using birth control to avoid pregnancy or hair loss. Refrain from smoking, especially if you are over the age of 35 and be sure to abide by a healthy lifestyle. The reality is that men's hat choices are really limited. Some men prefer baseball type hats or newsboys type caps to hide their balding heads. Women can go with the "in" fashion statement or a unique decision when it comes to hat choices. Have you ever worn a derby? Why not? Hmmm, How about a top hat? Only a woman could pull that one off! French fries in a french beret? More power to you! AAAAAH A nice french man would indeed be jealous! Didn't you say you were looking for great reasons to accessorize more?

Some women go for herbal solutions to treat their hair loss. Some herbs like palmetto are known to work about the same as prescriptions for hair growth work. Undoubtedly, before you begin sweeping the aisles of your local health food store or doling out tons of money on supplements, speak to a nutritionist and a physician. Be confident there is not a medical explanation for your hair loss, prior to opting for the herbal route. And, as always, discuss this with a professional herbologist to be positive you aren't haphazardly doing a disservice instead of goodness to yourself.

Hormone replacement therapy is one of the more traditional methods of dealing with women's hair loss. Since many women who are dealing with hair loss are going through menopause, or are (or recently were) pregnant, hormone replacement therapy can work as a way to restore balance in their systems. Pregnant women will want to research any possible problems this could cause for their babies. It's important to talk about your situation with the people close to you if you're going through menopause. You have to keep it in perspective, and realize that your health has to take priority over your hair loss.

There are several methods for curing and battling women's hair loss. The more experimenting you do, the more likely you'll be to come across an option that works for you. Without regard, before you try something out, you should still consult a medical profession to make sure the technique you have opted for in facing your hair loss is safe. Bear in mind-your hair loss could clearly be a warning for something else. This is why it is important to discuss it with your doctor. Best of luck! You'll come across what you are searching for just keep searching!

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