How Garlic And Onion Extracts Can Be Use To Prevent Locks Loss: Tips To Use For Fine Locks

By Eugene Yeng

You have probably heard how garlic and onion extracts can be use to prevent hair loss. This is a tried and tested method that has been helping individuals with hair loss problems. The method actually works and it has little or no side effects at all.

To a man or a woman, it is a nightmare to discover that the hair is falling of the once beautiful hairline is no more. As soon as one discovers this problem, the best solution is to act as fast as possible. A mirror should be used to see those areas on the head that have been greatly affected. What follows should be an effort to ensure that the head will go back to having as much hair as it had before the problem started.

Rubbing garlic or onion extracts is a natural remedy that has been said to have an effect on hair loss. The procedure stimulates the natural growth of hair while preventing it from falling off.

For those who are not able to afford these products they can use the garlic and onion. The irritation experienced due to the tearing of the eyes and the strong smell given off is just be a small price to pay, compared to the benefits that one will reap afterwards.

Garlic is vital for the growth of the body, as it helps in reducing blood pressure and also helps the body to get rid of toxins. Using it on the scalp will reduce chances of losing hair and also stopping any more hair loss. The garlic is an ingredient that can also be added in the shampoo for strengthening the hair and breakage reduction. Individuals that have scalps that itch a lot are also advised to use garlic or buy hair products that have garlic in them. Garlic is also a natural way of getting to give the hair have that natural shine.

The garlic or onion remedy is best used an hour before bedtime. Slice the cloves open and rub them on the area that is losing hair. Wait for at least an hour or so before massaging thoroughly. Wear a cap before you go to bed and shampoo the hair in the morning. Do this for a week or two and you will notice that the hair will have stopped falling off once you comb it.

Apart from garlic, onions also have some great benefits when used. Onion contains not only vitamins but minerals that will help the hair not to be easily damaged. Onions also contain an element known as sulfur that helps to protect the hair follicles.

With the onion remedy, squeeze the raw onion juice and apply it directly on the scalp. It is not advisable to sleep with it, just leave it for about an hour before shampooing it off. With these regular treatments there will be a dramatic improvement within just a month of using the remedy. These are just some of the ways of how garlic and onion extracts can be use to prevent hair loss.

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