Hair Loss Myths and Frequently Asked Questions

By D.J. Verret, MD

Hair loss and hair loss treatments have signficant myths and misunderstandings. For patients who are considering hair loss treatment and experiencing alopecia, consider some of these myths and questions regarding hair loss and hair restoration surgery.

One common myth about hair loss is that "Wearing a hat will cause hair loss by depriving hair of oxygen." This is generally not true - but there is a caveat. Hair follicles receive their oxygen supply from the blood stream and not the air so wearing a cap will not deprive hair of oxygen. Wearing a very tight cap over time can cause a traction alopecia along the edges of the cap though.

Patient who are looking at hair restoration surgery often have many questions surrounding the procedure. A common question is, "When can I drive?" You can drive yourself home. As long as you do not require more than the normal amount of anesthesia you can drive yourself home. It is extremely unusual for people to want sedation for this procedure, but if you elect to have sedation, you will need a driver to and from the procedure. Anotehr common question is, "How long will the surgery take?" This is completely variable. Depending on the number of grafts and the degree of baldness, surgery may take anywhere from 4-14 hours. In some cases, multiple sessions are needed to obtain the desired results. Patients are also very concerned about when to undergo hair transplants and ask, "What is the ideal age for a hair transplant?" There is no ideal age for a hair transplant. The important thing to remember is what the expected balding pattern of the person is before they get a transplant. Balding will continue even after a transplant. If the surgeon is not careful he can create a hairline which will look unnatural as further hair loss occurs. This can then produce a very difficult problem if the donor site is already used.

For patients who have hair loss, there are often questions regarding the reasons for the problem as well as questions regarding treatment. Understanding the problem and possible solutions is an important part of patient education and helping patients start on the road to treatment.

For a person suffering from hair loss, the first step in treatment is diagnosis. Patients should search out a physician who can help to determine if the hair loss is caused by a medical condition which must be treated, or is a result of genetics which can be covered.

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