Dylana Suarez beautiful pics

dylana of Nana in Wonderland is made of beautiful smile, intricate poses, awesome personality and techni-colored dreams. I am proud to have this interview with her last February! It's been a long time since I've done this feature and I'm happy to have this back again with the inspiration of the lovely bloggers around such as Dylana and many more. (Favorite Style Icon has been previously called as Favorite Chictopian.)
Creative passion. I love fashion because it allows anyone to be creative and just have fun. I love art and color, and fashion allows me to incorporate this love into my everyday life.
Fashion Influences. I have so many fashion inspirations! But I am very inspired by nature and the world around me. I love looking at street style pictures the best and seeing how the everyday person gets dressed in a way that is more individualistic. I am also very inspired by all kinds of movies, old and new. I love the simplicity and classic look of Audrey Hepburn, and also the kitschy look of 80's icon Molly Ringwald. Also, actress Kirsten Dunst has always influenced my style.
Everyone might have known Dylana as a style icon from Chictopia and being featured from fashion websites such as Elle and many others but other than being an awesome, stylish person, she is one great person who dreams and loves spending time with her family.
1. What’s the best day for you? I love Sundays because they allow me to relax, catch up on things I love, and spend a day out with friends and family.
2. Best thing by your bed? My dream catcher, of course.
3. Best book youve read? Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser.
4. Best place in your house? My parent's room, by their big windows. It is always warm, bright, and perfectly serene.
5. Favorite food? Indian curry.
6. Best gadget you own? My laptop because I love to blog! Also, my Ipod because I cannot live without music.
7. Best recent purchase? I haven't made too many recent purchases, but I love my new little black laced dress that I got about a month ago on sale. It is so chic and has a cool zipper down the back. I haven't worn it yet, but I am so excited to!
8. What’s your guilty pleasure? I am not sure. But I think that I read way too much. Maybe that is my guilty pleasure.
9. Best vacation spot? Southeast Asia!

Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana SuarezDylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez
Dylana Suarez


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