Need Maternity Coverage?

I just wanted to post this tidbit, if any of you are in the same bind we are--needing affordable maternity coverage??
There are supplemental insurances out there that will pay out a tidy sum to you after you deliver your baby in a hospital, regular or Cesarean. We've searched high and low for an affordable plan since we have a personal health insurance plan, and as such, have a hefty maternity deductible. If you live in Utah especially, many supplemental health insurance companies have pulled out their benefits altogether. BUT, we found 3 plans that we can sign up for, and they all will help us out, in the event we have another baby. It's so great I wanted to pass it along to all of you. You don't have to live in UT either to benefit, since this agent is licensed in almost every state. If you want to find out more, call and be sure to mention you saw his name on my blog!! Hurry and call, at least one of the plans is pulling it's maternity benefit out on June 15!

Rob Wilkinson

Hope it benefits some of you!


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