Little Girl's Hairstyles - Valentine's Day Dos! 10-15 min

Valentine's Day Hairstyles!!
I had a most lovely email from a reader who sent me her cute Valentine's hairstyle! Look at this:
Here's what Jo said: i love your site ! here's one u can try & have been doing this to my girl for about 10 years... this pic is the next door neighbor's lil girl i just did b4 school today (v-day party today at school) did my girl too but her pic wasn't as clear & her hair is longer wanted to show it works on shorter hair too... thanks for all the ideas & hope u enjoy this one... the part is the key btw... & i only pull from the top so the braid floats a lil... peace
Thanks a million Jo!! She did such a great job on this hairstyle!!

Here's my submission to the land of hearts and cupids! Start off with a small zig zag part to the crown, and make two hig ponys.
Put in two twist braids on each side.
Join the two twist braids closest to the center in the middle of her head.
Next, join the two outside twist braids down low on her head, forming your heart. You can do this with regular braids, fish tail braids, whatever you want to do.
I used my wave iron on the rest of her head, and stuck in this gorgeous bow from Flowerz In Her Hair.
Happy Valentine's Day!!


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