Little Girl's Hairstyles -Crazy Halloween Hair!! 20-30 min

Here's some CRAZY hair for Halloween!! My daughter's school had crazy hair day yesterday, so we got a little kooky. Here's the final result:
This is what we used: Pipe cleaners! Brilliant! I wished they had brown ones to match her hair better, but the black worked nicely.
I just braided in the pipe cleaners into each separate braid, clipping off the excess at the bottom of the braid. I tucked the tip of the pipe cleaner into the elastic at the top, and bent the edge over, so it wouldn't poke her head. I used two pipe cleaners per braid in her two back bottom braids, since they were thicker.  Then of course, we added some pink spray to make it nice and sticky.
We had fun bending and twisting her braids in any direction.
This was our favorite result, twisted in curlicues.


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