Little Girl's Hairstyles - Gum in the hair oh my!

Yep, it happened. Gum in her hair. I figure I'd post this, to let you know what worked for us, since I was pretty sure I was going to have to cut it out, and have to lop off all of her hair.
Peanut Butter.
Lots of it.
Take a big hunk and just massage it into the gum. I had to do about 5 or 6 hunks of PB, since it gets crumbly, but it crumbles the gum out along with it.
For some reason I tried using hairspray on it at first, but that was not a fixer.
She smelled like a PB cookie all day (even after I washed it), but I managed to save her hair, so I could deal with the odor. Needless to say, she is banned from gum for a long while.


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